DUI Law News

What You Need to Know About DUI Related Criminal Law Written

DUI related criminal law refers to legal legislation that prohibit drunk driving and validate prosecution of people who drive under the Influence of alcohol. World over, all jurisdictions have laws that set the maximum BAC (blood alcohol content) any driver should, ever, be caught driving under, legal driving age limit, tests that arresting officers should conduct and the prosecution process.

Age limit and BAC

Children are not allowed to drive in any state, let alone drive while intoxicated. As such, their BAC is set at the lowest level, the law can accommodate. Adults do not have age-related driving restrictions, but exceeding set maximum BAC can lead to their prosecution. Maximum BAC for driving personal cars is higher than that of driving commercial vehicles as commercial vehicles endanger more people.

Sentencing and determinants

DUI can result in vehicle impoundment, jail term, alcohol rehabilitation programs and cash fines among others. The determinants of jail term, rehabilitation and fine amounts depend on BAC, sequence of the offense (first time offenders get more lenient sentencing than second and consequent offenders) and the damage caused on oneself, others or properties. If ever involved in DUI, an experienced lawyer might ease the process and have the sentence reduced.